Get Voluum for Up to 30% Less, Thanks to ROI Marketplace!

By Joe Burton ROI Marketplace is proud to announce our new partnership with Voluum. Myself and the team here at ROI Marketplace are thrilled to announce our new partnership with Voluum. We’ve been avid users of Voluum for years, and having the chance to be partnered with them is a major accomplishment for the ROI […]
REJECTED! The Agony of Native Ad Approvals…

By Mike Kelly Every ad that’s running across native ad networks must pass through a thorough content review process. This should be considered when developing your native ad strategy and funnel creation. True Advertiser Scenario You have planned your campaign strategy carefully. You understand your funnel, metrics, tracking – what works, what doesn’t. You have […]
Making Native Marketing Work For You…

Joe Burton, Forbes Councils MemberForbes Agency Council According to data collected by Google in 2020, the average click-through rate for digital display ads was a mere 0.1%. While some industries boast higher numbers, experts agree these statistics don’t account for bot clicks, which drive up purported ad engagement. If you’re an ad-tech vendor or marketer […]
How Artificial Intelligence Will Impact the World of Native Advertising in 2023

By Jack Woods Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to revolutionize the world of native advertising. Native advertising is a form of advertising that blends in with the surrounding content, making it less intrusive and more engaging for the audience. By using AI, advertisers can create more personalized and effective native advertising campaigns that better […]
Company Update: ROI Marketplace Accepted Into the Forbes Agency Council

By Jack Woods ROI Marketplace is pleased to announce that our CEO Joe Burton has been invited to join the Forbes Agency Council. Joe will be joining the Forbes community of leading PR, media, creative, ad agency experts, and thought leaders to help develop our industry throughout 2023 and beyond. This is an incredible opportunity […]
Feeling the Q3 slowdown? Here’s what you need to do…

By Jack Woods We’ve experienced it time and time again. There are specific periods each year when things slow down in the native advertising world. Depending on your vertical you might find the end/start of the year to be great or awful (for example, ecommerce does great in December, but health/fitness doesn’t. Fitness does great […]
Native Advertising And Politics. Why Political Ad Campaigns Are Turning To Native Ads.

By Mike Kelly In a time where politics rules the minds of so many, it is more important than ever for Political Action Committees (PACS), candidates and/or their agencies choose the right channels for promotion. In the world of digital advertising, one ad type has arisen as the most effective, Native Advertising. Native advertising is […]
How to Win the Conversion With Native Advertising: Content Vs Context

By Jack Woods You’ve probably heard that “content is king”. And here at ROI Marketplace, we’ve seen this to be true more than ever in the last 12 months. Bid prices are ever-increasing, and you need to be more aggressive with your spend on the front end to get customers into your funnel. But the […]
If You’re Not Running Native Video Ads, You’re Leaving Money on the Table…

By Jack Woods Without trying to sound dramatic, you’re throwing money away if you’re not embracing the evolution of marketing. Market and consumer behaviors are constantly changing, and as advertisers it is our job to move with the trends. This isn’t a simple fact of keeping up with the Joneses, but instead understanding that buyers […]
What to do when your bids stop working…

By Jack Woods Has this ever happened to you… You’re running a highly profitable ad campaign, whether on Native platforms like Taboola, Outbrain, MGID, or RevContent. You’re putting $1 and getting $2 out on repeat. Things are looking great and the only way is up. And then… Boom. Your ads stop converting. Your spend is […]