By Mike Kelly
Every ad that’s running across native ad networks must pass through a thorough content review process. This should be considered when developing your native ad strategy and funnel creation.

True Advertiser Scenario
You have planned your campaign strategy carefully. You understand your funnel, metrics, tracking – what works, what doesn’t. You have assets collected, platforms chosen, account funded, and are ready to roll.
You carefully follow platform set-up instructions to set up targeted campaigns, ad groups and your best ad creatives. After an anxious waiting period, you finally get the notice from the platform.
All your ads are rejected and your campaign sits in in-active status.
Frustration runs through you. As well as questions.
- Why?
- What’s wrong?
- Is it the image?
- Is it the ad copy?
- Landing page?
- The offer itself?
- All of the above?
Many platforms provide feedback on exactly what’s wrong with your ads/offer. But more times than not, it’s a confusing quagmire of guessing and speculation.
There are many native ad platforms. They all have different guidelines and/or ad policies.
Common Rejection Reasons You Might See

- Inappropriate/offensive
- Image not aligned with offer
- Deceptive landing page
- Misleading advertising techniques
- Exaggerated claims
First off – Don’t get frustrated. Rejected ads are part of the Native Ad world. Always have been and always will be.
To manage ad rejections, you should follow these simple steps:
- Read and understand the reasons for the rejection, which are provided by the ad platform.
- Review your ad content and make necessary changes to comply with the platform’s policies and guidelines.
- Test your ad thoroughly before re-submitting it for review to ensure it meets the platform’s requirements.
- If you are unsure about the rejection reason or have questions, reach out to your account management team for clarification. Many will provide a detailed list of changes needed for approval.
- Keep a record of rejected ads and the reasons for rejection in order to avoid making the same mistakes with future campaigns.
- If you don’t have an account management team, contact support and ask for one, or ask for clarification on any rejection issues.
It goes without saying that if you are running a blackhat offer, you deserve what you get. Not only could your ads be rejected, but they can (and will) suspend your ad account. In my experience, practices such as cloaking or rotating in noncompliant landers/offers will catch up to you, causing even more frustration. You might sneak one past the goalie initially, but they will ultimately catch it. Finding control ads and landing pages that are acceptable is always your best bet.
Having an experienced agency or ad buying team can greatly reduce cycle time from ad submission to approval. Knowing what different platforms allow, like or dislike reduces rejections and the endless back and forth with a platform’s support team on issues.
At ROI Marketplace, we have some of the most experienced media buyers in the business. Our buyers specialize in specific platforms and have dedicated account managers who can quickly assist with any issues. If you’re frustrated with rejection issues, reach out to us and learn more about how we can help.